Thursday, January 7, 2010

Positive Peer Pressure

My five year old was timid. Scratch that! He still is timid. He will probably always be a little bit timid, especially when it comes to trying new things. I adopted a mantra. Trying is important. "Why?" he would say every time. "Because it helps us to learn." It doesn't work. He just says "Oh" and then still refuses the offer. That is unless he wants me to try something. Then he thrusts it back at me and I feel the double-edged sword sink into my brain.

So, I am constantly amazed to see him jump in with friends on tasks that would otherwise be daunting. He's tried soccer, gymnastics, board games, etc. But only because another preschooler told him it was cool. Now if only one of his friends would eat a vegetable in front of him. I'd be set.


  1. Griffin ate Green beans in front of him.

    Nice bit of prose.

  2. Maybe he just needs more peer veggie pressure then.

  3. Ah ahahhahahahah! Would you consider corn a boys will eat it in front of him for ya (no other vegetable, though!). This is fo funny
